Package com.skt.nugu.sdk.client.configuration
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data class ConfigurationMetadata( val issuer: String, val authorizationEndpoint: String, val tokenEndpoint: String?, val jwksUri: String?, val tokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported: Array<String>, val responseTypesSupported: Array<String>, val grantTypesSupported: Array<String>, val introspectionEndpoint: String?, val introspectionEndpointAuthMethodsSupported: Array<String>, val codeChallengeMethodsSupported: Array<String>, val revocationEndpoint: String?, val revocationEndpointAuthMethodsSupported: Array<String>, val deviceGatewayRegistryUri: String?, val deviceGatewayServerGrpcUri: String?, val deviceGatewayServerH2Uri: String?, val templateServerUri: String?, val policyUri: String?, val termOfServiceUri: String, val serviceDocumentation: String?, val serviceSetting: String?)
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This is a helper for configuration. It contains the APIs for getting the configuration