NuguOAuth provides an implementation of the NuguOAuthInterface authorization process.
Start the account info with Tid.
addAuthStateListener adds an AuthStateListener on the given was changed
Delete a auth token
Creating a accountinfo intent
Creating a accountinfo uri
Gets an authorization from cache
Gets an auth status
Creating a login intent
Creating a login uri
Get the NuguOAuthOptions
Request introspect The introspect specified by, OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
Check whether a anonymous user is authenticated or not.
Returns true if server-initiative-directive is supported.
Check whether a tid user is authenticated or not
Start anonymous login.
Request an authentication with auth code
Refresh Token with tid.
Start a login without browser.
Login with device_code to issue tokens
Start the login with tid
Removes an AuthStateListener
Request me api
Executes revoke the device in a thread.
Sets a auth token and update to the devicegateway
Set the authorization state to be reported onAuthStateChanged to listeners.
Set a Credentials
Set the NuguOAuthOptions
Start device authorization by requesting a pair of verification codes from the authorization service.
Helper function to extract out from the onNewIntent(Intent) for Sign In.