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class AudioPlayer(val title: AudioPlayerTitle, val content: AudioPlayerContent)
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data class AudioPlayerContent(    val title: String?,     val subtitle1: String?,     val subtitle2: String?,     val imageUrl: String?,     val durationSec: String?,     val backgroundImageUrl: String?,     val backgroundColor: String?,     val badgeMessage: String?,     val badgeImageUrl: String?,     val lyrics: Lyrics?,     val settings: Settings?)
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data class AudioPlayerTitle(val iconUrl: String?, val text: String?)
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class AudioPlayerUpdate(val player: AudioPlayer)
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data class ClientInfo(    var theme: String = "",     var buttonColor: String = "",     val displayInterfaceVersion: String = DisplayAgent.VERSION.toString(),     var disableCloseButton: Boolean = false)
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data class Lyrics(    val title: String?,     val lyricsType: LyricsType?,     val lyricsInfoList: List<LyricsInfo>?,     val showButton: ShowButtonText?)
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data class LyricsInfo(val time: Int?, val text: String?)
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enum LyricsType : Enum<LyricsType>
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enum Repeat : Enum<Repeat>
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data class Settings(    val favorite: Boolean?,     val repeat: Repeat?,     val shuffle: Boolean?)
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data class ShowButtonText(val text: String)
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data class TemplateContext(    var focusedItemToken: String?,     var visibleTokenList: List<String>?,     var lyricsVisible: Boolean?)